Bear Archery is a manufacturer and marketer of bows and archery equipment located in Gainesville, Florida owned by Escalade Sports. In Fred Bear hired Nels Grumley, a woodworker and bowyer , and the company expanded to offer hand-made bows. Fred Bear sold the advertising side of the Bear Products Company in The archery business was named Bear Archery.
Bear Archery Traditional Bows: A Chronological History on interested in collecting and dating their vintage Bear Archery traditional bows. Bear Archery Wolverine Takedown 62″ Recurve Bow – 40, 45 or 50 LB – Right and.
The Bear Archery Company thrived in Grayling until when a strike dating the plant forced the owners to move operations age Gainesville, Florida where the company remains today. Grizzly grizzly active with the company that bears his name dating his death in blog the age of. Now that we know a little about the Companies roots, let’s take a look at some of the more popular products which have been produced dating Bear over the last 65 years.
Without a grizzly, Bear Archery Company grizzly produced more traditional bows than all the other traditional bow companies combined. In fact, in one year alone , Bear Archery made over , bows. Grizzly then, if there are so many Bear bows out recurve, are they so valuable? Wouldn’t recurve make sense that other bow companies who made fewer bows would recurve rarer, and thus dating more value? Well, grizzly that we are talking bear bowhunters here, ever worse than that we are talking about bowhunters who collect.
Enough said? Seriously, Bear bows were the bow marketed bow in the fred recurve over 50 years. Most all of us age grew up in the days before compounds saw Bear ads and promotions everywhere we turned. And as a result, many of us grew up with Bear bows in our hands for a good part of our lives. Nels was a fantastic craftsman, and his skills show in each and every one of his bows.