Is It Possible To Start Off A New Relationship Long-Distance?
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Is It Possible To Start Off A New Relationship Long-Distance?


Sure, it’s a leap of faith. But it’s so worth it. They live in another country — a plane flight away! First off, what if this person is the absolute love of your life? Are you willing to relocate for that kind of love?

Long distance relationships come with their own unique challenges, and I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. “Would I be better off dating the mailman instead? You can easily find articles online recommending this sort of behavior​.

And wherever you stand, you ought to know every opinion before you decide for yourself. But other people may be quite fine and normal. The consequences feel lesser. All the emotions overwhelm you. See they may prefer emotional intimacy more, but being physical brings a TON of emotions. This makes it a case of availability. Which leads me to…. Cheating happens. And it is much, much more likely to happen when there is almost no physical connection in your relationship.

I treat physicality basically like a resource. Now, your advantage over the situation is that you have positive memories and experiences with the girl, but so can he… and the experiences they, well, experience… will be much more memorable, because they are done in person.